The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has outlined the properties of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) targeting three primary environmental traits; biodegradability, aquatic toxicity and bioaccumulation (see below). There is a growing need for environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL) solutions – a rising demand for lubricants with improved environmental protection.

Regulatory requirements

B2 assortment of engine oils and industrial lubrication offerings elevate the environmentally protective qualities of EAL lubricants and industrial applications worldwide, meeting the evolving environmental registrations and to capitalize on the growing EAL market demands. Our b2 biOil’s have
demonstrated biodegradability, minimal aquatic toxicity and non-bio-accumulative potential.


The capacity of lubricants to be decomposed by microorganisms over time into: – a combination of simpler by-products (primary biodegradation) – carbon dioxide and water (ultimate biodegradation)
Minimal Aquatic Toxicity

Low toxicity to aquatic organisms according to OECD2 tests and USEPA3 test guidelines

The build-up of chemicals within the tissues of an organism over time

Regulatory Developments

Vessel General Permit

Requires vessels to use EALs in all oil-to-sea interfaces. EALs meet standards for biodegradability, toxicity and bioaccumulation potential that minimizes their likely adverse consequences in the aquatic environment and includes bio-derived synthetic esters and high oleic vegetable oils

USDA BioPreferred Program

The USDA designated and added engine crankcase oils and other lubrication applications to their mandated federal procurement program ( Federal agencies and their contractors must give preferential consideration to these lubrication categories that contain a minimum of bio-based content (25% for crankcase oils)

Executive Order 13693

Requires federal agencies to promote sustainable acquisition and procurement which includes meeting statutory mandates requiring purchase preference for BioPreferred and bio-derived/bio-based products designated by the USDA.

Social responsibility

A Top Priority is Social Responsibility that includes Social Reputation as many people (consumers/customers) are searching for and promoting their use off EALs, driven by their desire to promote their own environmental agendas.

Just one gallon of used oil can contaminate over 1 million gallons of fresh water:

Petroleum based motor oils and lubricants (non EALs) are contaminating our water supply and causing irreversible damage to our environment; and, to human health. Every year, 10 billion gallons of liquid petroleum hydrocarbons, in the form of motor oil and other industrial lubricants (Accidental, Partial and Total LOSS applications) are released into the environment due to human activity:
  • Worldwide oil spills dating from 1901 – 2013 equaled 2.2 billion gallons; and, today, it is estimatednp the same amount is “silently spilled” every 100 days
  • 4.37 billion gallons of motor oil and other lubricants are lost in use, being leaked onto the road or burned in the engine as the average car loses each year two (2) gallons lost in use and one (1) gallon improperly disposed
  • 1.85 billion gallons of used motor oil and lubricants are illegally dumped – ending up in soil or down storm water drains as it only takes 1 gallon of oil to contaminate over 1 million gallons of drinking water
  • Over 60% of all oil-related pollution in the USA is caused by the improper disposal of used motor oil, making it the single largest source of oil pollution in our nation’s waterways

Of the 11 billion gallons of lubricants consumed each year, 28% are “lost in use” and released into the environment, 16% are improperly or illegally disposed, 34% are burned as fuel; and, 12% used in asphalt, other products or re-refined as twice refined (2XR) currently represents 6% of the U.S. lubrication market.